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Handan's Tale - Episode 1

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2021 9:44 am
by KAR
HANDAN's TALE Episode 1
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Viewers should be aware that although generally based on facts some names have been changed ( to protect privacy) and some scenes have been dramatised......

Setting the scene......sunlight flickers dancing through the leafy canopy of trees providing much needed shade....birdsong can be heard above the gentle murmur of residents voices and the tinkle of glasses being filled with bubbles.....every now then and the sunlight catches on the silver platters and cutlery .....lunchtime at KAR.

" Well C'MON !! ....we all need dreams ! Especially us Gals n Guys.

The reality......
It is 39c....with humidity running above 70 %......there is no " flickering sunlight". No - it is scorching searing sweaty sunshine.....the tree canopies are not providing enough shade so we have a plastic netting to help protect us .....the birdsong is drowned out by the deafening sound of cicadas amidst the general murmur (!!!) Of 250 residents belting out their own rendition of Food Glorious Food......the platters are the big and small shiney ( and some a bit rusty ) food bowls waiting empty but ready (to our delight) to be filled.
This is the reality....The reality of KAR ....and we love it....everything about it ( well ALMOST everything !) me and my friends just love it.
But you know ..... i am not sure if you other Gals n Guys have found out - you don't have to be alone to be lonely. You can be most alone even with others surrounding you.
I know this.....I feel this.....
But this Gal has dreams.....oh if only dreams could come true "
Closing scene
Handan sighs, mooches over to the corner of her compound turns round and round, sighs again and lies down to sleep.